Locally Grown.

Globally Minded.


Enjoy guaranteed bandwidth on our managed,
private layer networks.

Hosted PBX
Business Telephone

Present your business professionally with high quality telephone communications. Enjoy pristine audio over our HD audio IP phones.


PC and Smartphone Integration

Use your extension anywhere on any device. Working remotely has never been easier!


Unified Communication

Hosted PBX

Take take advantage of the latest Voice Over IP (VoIP) technology and our innovative approach to service delivery. When you pair our private layer Internet with our Hosted PBX service you get a best-in-class service.

Web Conferencing

Log-in to quickly spin up or schedule audio and video conferences. Collaborate using participant desktops and video feeds. Our software runs on mobile devices and Windows or Apple computers..

Online Virtual Fax

Use our portal to manage, send and receive your faxes. Inbound faxes are emailed to your inbox so you can instantly view them, even when you are on the go. Go virtual and get rid of that old fax machine.

Connectors for Contacts

With our connectors for Google Contacts or Microsoft Outlook you can manage your contacts on-the-fly as they call your extension. Inbound calls trigger pop-ups from your contacts so you can quickly manage callers.

UC Software

When you are on the go you can utilize our apps for Android and iOS smartphones. When you are working at your desk we have UC software for Windows and Apple computers that deliver the productivity tools you need for working in your office.


As an ISP we can deliver the highest level of QOS available in the UC marketplace. This is made possible by our private layer networks that ensure your voice traffic never hits the public Internet.

Learn more by calling us at 877-789-6796


No matter what type of business you operate, your Internet service is critical. Why not treat it that way? Are you ready to leverage our services so that you have a redundant, fast and secure network?


Connect from anywhere with a desk phone, smartphone or softphone. Are you ready to hear the pristine sound quality that our IP phones deliver over our managed network?


Take advantage of a UC platform that is truely unifiying your communications. From your premise back to our service providers, we deliver and manage your communication services from one end to the other.

Our founder's have been designing and maintaining networks since 1974.

Contact Info

2 King Street East

Hamilton, ON L8N2X7


+1 877-789-6796

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

Mahatma Gandhi

Support and Downloads

Visit our support pages for user guides, platform instructions, troubleshooting procedures and our ticketing forum.